"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

I dream big and can easily be swept away with my imagination. I have had so many hobbies over the past 20 years and now I am starting yet another. My hobbies range from crafting to movie making and dreaming about writing children's books. I find myself caught up in my head, day dreaming of how I can portray my experiences, desires, and memories. I hope my blog entertains, inspires, and helps you laugh about your own silly quirks.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The first one...

To begin this journey I feel like I should reveal myself through my manic brainstorming and the creative streaming that goes through my head. I hope I can do that, we’ll see.

First here is a small list of hobbies I have dabbled in; learning Italian, crocheting, head band making, gardening, jewelry making, flower arranging, amateur photography, attempting to learn piano, running, party planning, scrap booking, comedy video productions, sewing, coaster making and soap making. (and so many more things!!) All of them attempted half through compulsion and half through trying to find a creative outlet. Like many things in life they all seem to run their course and then I am left with boxes of supplies, instructional books collecting dust, and a failed desire to finish half started projects. 75% of the time I wholeheartedly believe I am going to start a small scale business by making, creating, or offering my services out, “getting discovered”, and then having my own official website, TV show and brand. Alas, reality and or boredom set in. "They" say to become an expert at something you have to put in 10,000 hours doing one thing. I think on average, since I was 9 or 10 years old, I have probably only put in 100 hours on every hobby I have attempted. It is so discouraging to read that but kind of hilarious at the same time. This is why, because I know it won't stop me from searching out new crafts, scouring the book shelves of the local bookstores to help with my newest "big idea", hoarding pages of magazines with the newest ways to cut flowers for a centerpiece, books to read in the month of September, or shoes to buy.

With all of that being said, I would like to make a toast to many more projects, daydreams, and discoveries. Salute!

1 comment:

  1. yay!! so proud! can't wait to stay posted...

    aka vp cruzie
