"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

I dream big and can easily be swept away with my imagination. I have had so many hobbies over the past 20 years and now I am starting yet another. My hobbies range from crafting to movie making and dreaming about writing children's books. I find myself caught up in my head, day dreaming of how I can portray my experiences, desires, and memories. I hope my blog entertains, inspires, and helps you laugh about your own silly quirks.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Costumes that Wowed!

I am always looking around me for inspiration and thankfully I didn't have to go far.  I am very lucky to have so many friends and family that are quite talented at putting together some very clever, cool, and creepy costumes!  This post is dedicated to them.

Here is a great collection of Halloween costumes that wowed me and will hopefully inspire you.

Fiona, Shrek, an Owl, and the Joker!

Contacts, lime green body paint, and fake flesh....wow these four characters really didn't hold back here and knocked it out of the park.  They went all out and really took time to put their costumes together.

Gangnam Style, Mod Babe, Chicken and Bob Ross. 
These sassy ladies and classy guy really nailed it here.  These are some great examples of use what you have and have some fun with it.  Of course there are some extra accessories here that they bought but spending a few dollars to have a great costume is worth it in my book.

Swine Flu and an Ice Queen!

The above costumes teaches me that a little creativity and a whole bunch of patience will pay off. I also love that she gave viewers a hint to who she was in the front and the back.  It's never any fun when people don't know what you are.  So help them out.

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