"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

I dream big and can easily be swept away with my imagination. I have had so many hobbies over the past 20 years and now I am starting yet another. My hobbies range from crafting to movie making and dreaming about writing children's books. I find myself caught up in my head, day dreaming of how I can portray my experiences, desires, and memories. I hope my blog entertains, inspires, and helps you laugh about your own silly quirks.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Checking things off my list

Good Morning!
I know it's Monday.  But I have a fun post for you all.  I spent the weekend mostly unplugged and successfully reconnected with people, family, and crafting!  Three days of no Facebook gave my brain and phone a welcome break.  It's amazing how much battery life I saved from not constantly checking my FB page.  I was still connected, very much, to Pinterest but I felt those searches had more value so I'm okay with that.

Here are few photos I took over the weekend.
Beautiful Dalhias at the Mohonk Mountain House Show Garden

Enjoying the splendor of fall and keeping busy with upcycled craft projects.

The library card notepad will be explained in a how to post.  The acorns and pine cones were fresh out of the oven (to kill any bugs that sneaked their way into the house.)  I used the pine cones for some fall mantel decorating and the acorns were dipped in glitter.  the lovely pressed glass is from the Woodstock chime factory I scored at the Materials Exchange many many years ago.

I can say happily that I can cross off quite a bit from my Fun Fall Checklist.
  • Made an apple crisp and people actually like it! (or they lied to me- which I'm okay with)
  • Drank 2 kinds of Pumpkin Ale - Samuel Adams and Saranac.  (Saranac was much better)
  • I've gone apple picking 2 times.
  • Made Hot Apple Cider- It was so yummy!


  1. So cute Annie! Jealous of your Fallness. Sounds terrific! Xo. Ivy

  2. Thanks for commenting Ivy! I am missing your warm Florida sun.
